On Saturday 28 March 2009 19:53:59 James wrote:
> OK, let's play along....
> I have both "webkit" and plasma in my make.conf file.
> So upon checking for updates, I get:
> [ebuild   R   ] kde-base/kdelibs-4.2.1-r3  USE="3dnow acl alsa bzip2 fam
> jpeg2k mmxnls opengl semantic-desktop spell sse sse2 ssl (-altivec)
> -bindist -debug -doc -kdeprefix -kerberos -openexr -test -zeroconf
> (-plasma%) (-webkit%*)" 0 kB
> Hmmmmm,
> It looks to me as though this version of kdelibs indeed
> uses plasma and webkit but want to delete them, or is
> this portages way of telling that theses are no longer
> valid flags.

The latter. Specifically,

You have these flags in USE, but portage is going to remerge kdelibs without 
them (-) as they are no longer valid (%) for 4.2.1-r3

The ebuild and the Changelog separately mention that these flags are now 
redundant as support is mandatory

> If so are they no long valid for kdelibs (in which case
> I leave them in make.conf) or are they completely
> deprecated flages (and hence I should removed them
> from make.conf)?

The former. Other stuff is likely to make use of plasma and webkit (they are 
fairly generic things)

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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