On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 12:57 PM, James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> Neil Bothwick <neil <at> digimed.co.uk> writes:
>> > Great timing, because KDE 4.2.2 is being released on April 1st
>> Are you really going to install software released on that day?
> ON a more pragmatic note, "should I stay" (delay upgrade) or
> "should I go now" (sync and update on april 2).
> I got this song ringing in my head about syncing and
> updates for kde 4. I feel euphoric about my chances
> of screwing up my kde 4 box.....
> Looking for wisdom, here.....

I'm using 4.2.2 and there's no noticeable difference I can tell from
4.2.1 ... the changelog is mostly of khtml and kmail stuff, neither of
which I use. 

My only big problem (Akregator nsplugin interface gets stuck using CPU
forever after flash is encountered) was not fixed in 4.2.2...

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