Well i've had several projects ideas in the past that would have used
asterisk in different ways.  So, the reason to get it installed for my
personal 1-line use is really a first step in understanding asterisk's
basics and since I will probably work and tweak it every day for a
certain period of time, this would be an awesome learning experience.

I dont have a GF, yet, and the lady that might fill the position
(soon?) wont have a word to say about that.  haha

But i clearly hear what you mean about the waste, I'm with you on
this, but i also see it as an investment!

Thanks a lot though, you brought some important points to consider!

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Michael Higgins <li...@evolone.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 12:30:52 -0400
> Simon <turne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> hi there,
>>   i'm looking for suggestions and guidance.
> []
> I tend to tell folks up front to never listen to me or believe anything I 
> say, so here's my... $.02.
>>   I've looked into several ideas, but the last one that remains a good
>> 'deal' is to set it all up myself, for free (but lots of work)!
>> I'm thinking on setting up asterisk,
> []
> Don't. Your GF will hate you for wasting your time.
>> I've read those, but I'm sure there are a lot of surprises not covered
>> by these...
>> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+Linux+Gentoo
>> http://www.gentoo-wiki.info/Asterisk
>> Thanks for any help!
> Asterisk is unlike most other open source projects I've seen. Free help 
> doesn't exist, really -- there's just too much money to be made replacing 
> proprietary telco hardware for folks to enjoy educing that aha! moment.
> All would tell you, at your hourly rate, choosing to roll your own asterisk 
> install on Gentoo is probably the most expensive option available to you.
> Anyway, it can be done. #gentoo-voip are helpful folks, but unless you have a 
> real reason to know asterisk, really, don't bother... it's huge PITA for just 
> getting a phone.
> Even if you do decide to kill that gnat with a sledgehammer, you're better 
> off with Trixbox, astlinux or something you can pretty much expect some help 
> with. (So I hear.)
> If all you want is to use a SIP trunk, my local telco monopoly, for example, 
> will rent me a box to plug a phone into for a fixed monthly fee and unlimited 
> calling. Or, you can probably get any Dahdi compat fxs card and plug a phone 
> into your gentoo box. Or just get a SIP phone... plug into your router.
> Basically, there are so many options, it's bewildering. From my (limited) 
> experience with it, I'd say that Asterisk is really more of a place to create 
> telco appliances from computers, not an application you run with other things 
> as an afterthought, just because you can.
> But, then again, you already run Gentoo, so you are familiar with needless 
> self-inflicted pain as a pastime. Asterisk may be just for you, too! ;-)
> Cheers,
> --
>  |\  /|        |   |          ~ ~
>  | \/ |        |---|          `|` ?
>  |    |ichael  |   |iggins    \^ /
>  michael.higgins[at]evolone[dot]org

When Earth was the only inhabited planet in the Galaxy, it was a
primitive place, militarily speaking.  The only weapon they had ever
invented worth mentioning was a crude and inefficient nuclear-reaction
bomb for which they had not even developed the logical defense. -

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