On Sat, 25 Apr 2009 20:39:52 -0700
fe...@crowfix.com wrote:

> I am probably in that very situation.  My world file is 5794 lines
> long.  I didn't know about -1 and frankly don't understand it.  If I
> remerge a package which is not in world, why is it added to world?  I
> had seen a few vague references to -1, but just assumed that portage
> was smart enough to only add new packages.

Could be a good idea, btw, but if you're _rebuilding_ the package, not
just using something like '--noreplace'. Worth a GLEP, prehaps?

> But now is now, and I have a huge world file.  How does one clean up
> such a beast?

I go through my /var/lib/portage/world file in nano from time to time,
just killing (^K) the lines I don't know about (mostly it's some
packages I checked out and forgot to remove), looks easy enough, since
it has no place in the @world, if you don't know about it.

Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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