On Thursday 07 May 2009 21:07:57 maxim wexler wrote:
> > > Whatever portage is fetching is turning into something
> >
> > I didn't order. I checked in distfiles and sure enough,
> > there's no klibc* but a growing linux-2.6.26.tar.bz2.
> > Weird.
> >
> > Nothing is wrong. That file is required for klibc. From the
> > ebuild notes:
> Yes, I saw that too, but
> 1) why doesn't it list it from the start?

Q: How many packages have you ever installed that have multiple SRC_URIs and 
portage has given you a list of them up front?

A: None. You need "emerge -pvf" for that

> 2) the 2.6.28 source is already in my box, and it wants the 26?

Read the ebuild notes. It fetches 26 because the ebuild says it must fetch 26, 
not any old version you feel like.

Why 26 specifically? Well, headers can change between versions. Obviously, 
either a) the developer's code will only build against that particular version 
or b) the developer feels that's the safest version.

It's all right there in the notes - the very ones you chose the snip out of 
your reply......

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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