On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:07 PM, maxim wexler <bliss...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> > Whatever portage is fetching is turning into something
>> I didn't order. I checked in distfiles and sure enough,
>> there's no klibc* but a growing linux-2.6.26.tar.bz2.
>> Weird.
>> Nothing is wrong. That file is required for klibc. From the
>> ebuild notes:
> Yes, I saw that too, but
> 1) why doesn't it list it from the start?
> 2) the 2.6.28 source is already in my box, and it wants the 26?
> Oh well, there goes my phone line for 5 more hrs <sob!>
> mw

It did include it in the total size estimate it gave in the first
output (48,765 kB). Your confusion may be from this: it is not
emerging a kernel package, it is simply downloading the kernel sources
as part of the klibc package.

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