Arttu V. wrote:
> Dale wrote:
> > You may want to look into that setting for next time.  I did however
> > notice that although python is in the system set, it is not saving a
> > copy for some reason.  Anybody know why this setting is not working?
> >
> > FEATURES="--keep-going buildsyspkg sandbox fixpackages"
> >
> > Is the buildsyspkg option not valid anymore?
> Python appears to be gone from the base system? Or maybe I'm looking
> at the wrong file? Anyway, 'emerge -pv @system | grep python' would
> seem to agree here.
> Now I don't have a PhD in Gentoo Package Manglement (barely passed the
> kindergarten level so far?), but that commit looks rather unsettling
> for other parts as well. Are the devs switching over to paludis in
> droves? Or why is sys-apps/portage commented out as well? Why is it
> replaced by the hard-coded ("old-style"?) virtual/portage?

This is what I get with this command:

r...@smoker / # emerge -ep system | grep python
[ebuild   R   ] app-admin/python-updater-0.5
[ebuild   R   ] dev-lang/python-2.5.4-r2
r...@smoker / #

So python is there if you do it emptytree.  I still don't have a binary
of this in packages/All tho.  Also, since portage has to have python,
why is it not saving this?  I put that line in make.conf just in case I
do something like the OP did by mistake.  It appears that this isn't

Ideas?  This a bug?


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  No PhD here either.

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