On 27 May 2009, at 09:32, Jon Hardcastle wrote:
As the guy that started this thread I am testimony to this problem. I now have a tainted (albeit only slightly) system as my main server at home!

This whole problem came about because I wanted to install truecrypt (another powder keg!) needed a new version of udev that needed x, y and z.

I'm interested to know how you resolved the whole thing, and if your machine is up & running again now.

I'm particularly interested to know how your system is "tainted".

There was some suggestion, I think, earlier in the thread that you'd ended up installing Python manually, and that it might have left files all over your system that might in future misbehave with your Portage- installed (once you get it fixed) Python. I was about to suggest that there are tools in the tree that should enable you to find files on your system that don't belong to any ebuild - I see that Jorge has (whilst I've been typing this) questioned the ability of qfile to do this accurately, but there is perhaps some other tool.

I would also add that I'd reckon you've got a pretty sound system if you can `emerge -e world` successfully - if you've got portage working again, then don't worry too much about about what *might* have "tainted" things. Just enjoy.


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