On Friday 12 June 2009, 12:58, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> The original question was "how big should /var be?" and the correct
> answer to that question is "mu" (google it)
> If we had the output of "df -h" and "du -sh /var/*" plus a description
> of what the machine actually does, some general advice could be given
> to the OP. As it stands with the information given, the only useful
> answer is "you'll have to work that out yourself" which is what I said
> right back at the beginning.

The OP might be a newbie with little or no idea of how things work in a 
mailing list like this. Instead of the "you'll have to work that out 
yourself" answer, which is a correct answer strictly speaking, but not 
very useful to the OP, one could have asked "can you provide more 
information on this and that, so people can help you better? And please, 
in the future, remember that the more information you provide, the 
better answer you are likely to get." (which, btw, is what you did 
anyway in later replies). That would be a more useful answer imho, 
because it will educate (or try to educate) the OP a little more, which 
hopefully will result in him asking questions in a better way in the 

Just my 2c.

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