Hi Florian.

** (Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 06:44:27PM +0200) Florian Philipp wrote:
> Hi!
> This is actually a follow-up for my thread "Trouble installing Plone".
> Following scenario: I have packages which run on python-2.4 and other
> packages which work with 2.5. Zope is a prominent example of the 2.4 gang.
> The problem: When I emerge a python package, for example
> dev-python/imaging, it is only installed in the
> /usr/lib/python-2.*/site-packages directory of the python version which
> is currently enabled by eselect.
> Naturally, this is the most recent version: 2.5. However, as soon as a
> python-2.4 package depends on one of these other packages, it just
> doesn't work because it expects them in /usr/lib/python-2.4/site-packages.
> How am I supposed to work around this?

With regards to Zope and Plone, use python2.5 but have python2.4 installed
and use buildout[1] to fetch Zope/Plone.

Zope needs python2.4 with PIL. A quick fix, is to either symlink or
copy /usr/lib/python-2.5/site-packages/PIL* to 

You also need dev-libs/libxml2 (with python) and symlink/copy to

When Python dependencies are in place, you can use buildout to fetch Zope/Plone
For this you need dev-python/setuptools.

PS! When following the guide[1], remember to bootstrap and buildout with 
eg: python2.4 bootstrap.py && python2.4 ./bin/buildout

PSS! If you use sudo and have a restrictive umask for your user, you need to 
it to eg 022 before creating the buildout enviroment.

> Regards,
> Florian Philipp

Good luck :)

[1] http://plone.org/documentation/tutorial/buildout
Khanh Nguyen

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