On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 08:18:25 +0200
Francesco Talamona <francesco.talam...@know.eu> wrote:

> I am looking for a software to keep a paperless diary, but I seem I 
> can't find anything valid, at first I tried app-office/qchartdiary, it 
> doesn't run, then I found www-apps/nanoblogger and www-apps/polarblog, 
> but are both in the "needloving" [1], don't know if it worth trying.
> I need something simple, easy, with the ability to attach emails and 
> other external files, it also has to be private and never intended to 
> be hosted, neither in my local apache.

You can try bournal for "simple" and "easy". It's bash, CLI and features
encryption, although it doesn't seem to be intended for anything but
pure text.


Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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