You need to emerge xorg-server.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 03:33:54PM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Just curious. The fluxbox ebuild doesn't emerge xorg-server which
> means I now have a machine with fluxbox emerged but I don't know how
> to start it as there is no xstart on the machine.
> What would be the lightest way to get X running right now? man
> startfluxbox suggests  fluxbox can be started from .xsession if I use
> xdm and xdm doesn't seem to require very much be emerged so I'm doing
> that now.
> The purpose of this experiment is that if I get X going then I have a
> chance of seeing whether the the Open Source ati-driver TV feature out
> actually works for my 9100 IGP chipset.
> Thanks in advance,
> Mark

Jake Todd
// If it isn't broke, tweak it!

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