>> OK, that's right.  How can I find out if 4GB RAM (the current amount)
>> is enough?  From what I understand of how Linux handles memory, it
>> will fill it up as quickly as possible, and then free it as necessary.
>>  This makes it difficult to determine how much RAM is necessary from
>> watching top.
> Use free to see how much of the memory is used by buffers and caches.

Thank you Neil.  On one of my systems, does this tell me that although
I'm using ~952MB, I'm really only using ~474MB and I don't need swap:

# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       1028780     952240      76540          0     146984     330516
-/+ buffers/cache:     474740     554040
Swap:      2008116      80944    1927172

- Grant

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