Dale a écrit :
> Xavier Parizet wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I had some problem with /var/db/pkg : it's empty. So, how can i fix this 
>> without
>> rebuilding world and system from scratch ?
>> Thanks a lot for your help.
> I'm not sure but does emerge --metadata do this?  You may want to man
> emerge and see if anything else can do what you want to.

Emerge --metadata is just updating the portage cache from the /var/db/pkg to
speedup dependencies calculation... I was thinking about doing an emerge
--pretend --empty world with some kind of sed/awk to get a list of what would
normally be installed on my system, but circular dependencies kill the idea in
the egg... because actually, portage think that nothing is installed on my 

Any other idea ?

> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

      Xavier Parizet
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