> "X" is too generic of a term but I'll assume you mean "X server"...
> Firstly, you don't need an X server to run MythTV... some people
> actually have the backend running headless.  Second, you don't need an X
> server locally to run X apps (for example I used to XDMCP into a
> headless virtual machine running test instances of KDE.  "ssh -X xapp"
> is another example).
> As for unzip, that sounds like a possible bug.  I know I ran into that
> problem with another package => bugs.gentoo.org.
> -a

Thanks for the responses!

I'll submit the bug report for the unzip thing. Although, is a bug
report warranted if the issue only occurred once? I'd rather not try
to replicate the problem by reinstalling mythtv (it takes a fair
amount of time).

As far as the X server thing goes, the reason I brought it up was
muthtv-setup looked as though it needed it. That is, when I tried to
start mythtv-setup at the console command line, it wouldn't b/c it
claimed to not have access to the X server. It would start in an X

There is no need to respond to my X comment above (I'll look into it),
but I am curious about the gentoo bug protocol. I didn't see anything
about when one should report a bug on bugs.gentoo.org.

Thanks again.


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