>> I should have been more specific.  That link I posted discusses how
>> blocking the Bogon List can cause problems as some of the IPs on the
>> list come into use.  I'd like to not use it at all, and I'm wondering
>> if I'm using it as part of a default setup of shorewall, apache2, or
>> other software.  Do you know of any software that uses it by default?
>> - Grant
> Ah. Yeah shorewall turns it on by default unless that's changed. You should
> be fine if you keep Shorewall updated which installs a new bogon file or you
> can turn it off.
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=4404A628.1010301%40shorewall.net&forum_name=shorewall-users
> I can't think of anything other than firewall rules that include their own
> bogon filter because they do go out of date within a year or two.
> kashani

Thanks kashani.  It sounds like shorewall-3.* doesn't support nobogons anyway.

- Grant

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