On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 11:08:43PM +0530, Penguin Lover Kaushal Shriyan 
> file `which autossh`
> /usr/bin/autossh: POSIX shell script text executable
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/268077/
> I dont see any of my env variables being called in that bash shell script.
> Please suggest and guide
> Thanks for the explanation.

Hum, do this for me, would ya?

(1) what happens when you run 
AUTOSSH_POLL=100 /usr/lib/autossh/autossh .....

(2) first cp /usr/bin/autossh to your home directory,
and edit it to replace the line

exec /usr/lib/autossh/autossh "$@"


env | grep AUTOSSH

Then in your shell call ./autossh (just that, not options). 
What happens?


If I remember correctly, shell environmental variables are supposed to
be passed to child shells. So scripts are supposed to inherit those
variables. So we are now trying to figure out whether it is the shell
that is broken or it is the autossh binary that is broken. 


Q: "What is the best way to determine the volume of a little red ball."
Physicist: Measure the diameter, devide by two for radius and use the 
  formula 4/3 * PI * radius ^ 3
Chemist: Take a beaker, fill it with water. Dunk the ball in it, and 
  measure the amount of water displaced.
Engineer: It's easy, just pull out the "Little Red Ball" book and look it up.
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