On 09/11/2009 08:08 PM, Paul Hartman wrote:
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Nikos Chantziaras<rea...@arcor.de>  wrote:
On 09/11/2009 07:04 PM, Willie Wong wrote:

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 10:38:50AM -0500, Paul Hartman wrote:

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 2:35 PM, András, Csányi - Sayusi Ando
<sayusi.a...@sayusi.hu>   wrote:

I use screen lot of and I like it veery much. Few weeks ago - when I
reinstall gentoo, started this weird thing.
If I start mc in the screen nothings happen. I can see the cursos is
stop before the last line and waiting...
Generally first time the mc is start and I can work with. But, random
long time later the mc is start doing this stupid behavior what I
wrote upper. This thing is independent what I did. Last time is
started after I use vim to edit an file. Yesterday started after I
write in mc's command line 'df -h' and hit Enter.

This is a very old post, but I want to say I am experiencing the same
problems with screen and mc (even after I initially replied saying I
didn't have it :). Did you ever find a solution?

I dunno if my problem is the same as yours, but it may not be just mc.
screen has been crapping out on me lately, and also randomly, like
described above, when I use some of the shell scripts that I wrote. It
only happens with interactive scripts that display a menu using
'dev-util/dialog'. Most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn't:
after the previous dialog clears the screen, screen just sits there
blinking and not loading the next one.

I'd be interested in a solution too, if there is one.

If you start screen, then do "export TERM=xterm", does that fix the issues?

So far that seems to fix it for me! But it's a very random and
non-reproducible error so only time will tell. mc froze on startup for
me just now (with TERM=screen) 5 times in a row; set TERM=xterm and mc
started without problem 5 times in a row. So that's a good sign, I


I use that trick to get mouse support in mc under screen. Just thought it might solve even more issues.

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