On Friday 11 September 2009, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 09/11/2009 08:08 PM, Paul Hartman wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Nikos Chantziaras<rea...@arcor.de>  
> >> On 09/11/2009 07:04 PM, Willie Wong wrote:
> >>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 10:38:50AM -0500, Paul Hartman wrote:
> >>>> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 2:35 PM, András, Csányi - Sayusi Ando
> >>>>
> >>>> <sayusi.a...@sayusi.hu>   wrote:
> >>>>> I use screen lot of and I like it veery much. Few weeks ago - when I
> >>>>> reinstall gentoo, started this weird thing.
> >>>>> If I start mc in the screen nothings happen. I can see the cursos is
> >>>>> stop before the last line and waiting...
> >>>>> Generally first time the mc is start and I can work with. But, random
> >>>>> long time later the mc is start doing this stupid behavior what I
> >>>>> wrote upper. This thing is independent what I did. Last time is
> >>>>> started after I use vim to edit an file. Yesterday started after I
> >>>>> write in mc's command line 'df -h' and hit Enter.
> >>>>
> >>>> This is a very old post, but I want to say I am experiencing the same
> >>>> problems with screen and mc (even after I initially replied saying I
> >>>> didn't have it :). Did you ever find a solution?
> >>>
> >>> I dunno if my problem is the same as yours, but it may not be just mc.
> >>> screen has been crapping out on me lately, and also randomly, like
> >>> described above, when I use some of the shell scripts that I wrote. It
> >>> only happens with interactive scripts that display a menu using
> >>> 'dev-util/dialog'. Most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn't:
> >>> after the previous dialog clears the screen, screen just sits there
> >>> blinking and not loading the next one.
> >>>
> >>> I'd be interested in a solution too, if there is one.
> >>
> >> If you start screen, then do "export TERM=xterm", does that fix the
> >> issues?
> >
> > So far that seems to fix it for me! But it's a very random and
> > non-reproducible error so only time will tell. mc froze on startup for
> > me just now (with TERM=screen) 5 times in a row; set TERM=xterm and mc
> > started without problem 5 times in a row. So that's a good sign, I
> > think.
> >
> > Thanks!
> I use that trick to get mouse support in mc under screen.  Just thought
> it might solve even more issues.

I remember fixing a problem which may be related to this, by cp /etc/screenrc 
~/.screenrc and then editing ~/.screenrc to add lines like:

  termcap  rxvt hs@:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l
  terminfo rxvt hs@:cs=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l

under 'xterm tweaks'; this is because echo $TERM shows that my terminal is 
rxvt - yours may be different.

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