Philip Webb <> [09-09-12 16:50]:
> 090912 wrote:
> > for a long time I used IceWM as my windowmanager
> > since I dont want ... session management.  a must-have of windowmanagers
> > is to control nearly completly with the keyboard
> > Since IceWM seems to be in hibernation I am looking for a replacement
> >   -- widely configurable via ascii files
> >   -- as far as possible controllable by keyboard
> >   -- also useable with the mouse
> >   -- no eye-candy 
> >   -- not ugly
> >   -- NOT tiling
> >   -- FAST!
> Fluxbox is your WM !
> -- 
> ========================,,============================================
> SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
> ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
> TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca


Yes!...SIR! :))))))

Just a few minutes ago I installed it seems to fit my
needs mostly,,,as far as I can see in such a short time...

One thing I really miss (hopefully only based on the lack of
experience with the configuration of fluxbox):

In IceWM I can type ALT-TAB, which pops up the application menu (so far
I can use the key file in ~/.fluxbox to acchieve the same I think) and
type the first character of the application I want to start.
If it is the only application, it starts at once.
If it is not I either can hit <RETURN>, which starts the application
or press the character/key again to choose the second/third/and so on
application with that starting character.

Or in other words: Starting applications does not involve the mouse.

In/With fluxbox I again have to dive into submenus with the mouse to
find what I want and I was urged to /click/ (oh what a shame! ;O) X-} )
on something!  The last time I did /such a thing/ I was young,
unexperienced and full of I am older and wiser and
forbid myself to use things like.....mice....or even to /CLICK/
on someting (very big winkey smileys included!)

Is it possible to mimicry that IceWM feature?

Keep hacking!
Your flux is boxing!

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unless it's absolutely neccessary. - Send simply Text.
In a world without fences and walls nobody needs gates and windows.

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