On Monday 14 September 2009, Thomas Kahle wrote:
> Hey,
> >  Since IceWM seems to be gone into hibernation phase I am looking for
> >  a replacement which should
> >  -- be widely configurable via ascii files
> >  -- be as far as possible controllable by keyboard
> >  -- be also useable with the mouse
> >  -- no eye-candy
> >  -- not ugly
> >  -- NOT tiling
> >  -- FAST!
> >
> >  I would like to hear from others what experiences they made with
> >  what windowmanagers.
> Many people say fluxbox here, but you should also have a look at openbox
> (http://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Main_Page) which is very similar
> but seems to integrate better into freedesktop.org standards. I use
> openbox because it gives me the speed and configurability of fluxbux
> while all the automagic things (suspend-keys, volume-keys,
> powermanagement, plasmoids, ...) that hal and kde4 bring still work.
> But maybe the latest version of fluxbox also does that..? I have not
> checked on it for a while.

Hmm not sure that Fluxbox does much of that ... I understand that the way 
Fluxbox works goes against compositing that KDE/Gnome implemented.

Does openbox do real transparency, or can you only see the desktop in e.g. 

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