kashani wrote:
> Dale wrote:
>> kashani wrote:
>>> Dale wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I recently got DSL and youtube is growing on me.  LOL  I been
>>>> trying to
>>>> find a really good hard drive that is around 400 to 500Gb and pretty
>>>> fast.  It has to be a IDE drive, you know, the big wide cables.  I
>>>> don't
>>>> have SATA on this rig.
>>>> I have a Maxtor that I like and is pretty fast but it appears they
>>>> are a
>>>> little hard to find nowadays.  In matter of importance:  size, price,
>>>> speed.  Newegg is great but will consider others as well.
>>>> Thanks for any pointers.  Open to ideas. 
>>> SATA PCI card should be < $20. I'd then go with a SATA II drive.
>>> kashani
>> I been looking at these cards on newegg.  I haven't had a SATA drive
>> before and confess I don't know a lot about them.  They are faster and
>> have little bitty cables.  I'm looking at this one:
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816124003
>> I notice that it has two internal and two external connectors.  Can I
>> assume that the "eSATA" means external or is that something else?
>> Also while I have the link and you are most likely looking at it, is
>> this a good fast card?  It appears to be a pretty recent revision since
>> it also says SATA II. 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESATA
>     esata is different sort of connection, but a number of new
> external drives are starting to support it.
> This looks to be your best choice.
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815102102&cm_re=pci_sata_II-_-15-102-102-_-Product
> I assume that any motherboard that does not support SATA also does not
> support PCI-E or PCI-X, but you should make sure that you have a free
> slot and verify that slot type before buying something.
> kashani

OK.  Lets see if my muddy water has cleared up any.  I can use the same
drives on either a "SATA" or a "eSATA" its just that the cable is
different?  The "eSATA" cable is shielded where the internal one is
not.  No difference in speed or anything, just the cable?  Correct? 
That's how I read the link. 

Your link to newegg is a good one.  It only has two ports which may work
if I don't have to buy any more drives before my new build.  It is
cheaper too.  Jeez, they fill up fast on DSL.  LOL



:-)  :-) 

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