On Donnerstag 24 September 2009, Philip Webb wrote:
> 090924 Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > On Donnerstag 24 September 2009, Philip Webb wrote:
> >> Gwenview : can one view hidden files ? -- it's under 'view' in 3.5.10
> >> & also assigned to Control-H , but nowhere to be seen in 4.3.1 .
> >
> > it is a bug.  If you search for it you'll find it.
> I plan to add to the Konsole bug re 'geometry' & look up other bugs,
> when I've finished basic exploration & testing.
> >> Kcontrol : might this help with configuring KDE 4.3.1 apps ?
> >
> > no.  kcontrol is just a couple of kcm*.so.
> > You need systemsettings if you want to change anything the easy way.
> > There is always the hard one - edit config files....
> Actually, that's what I might look into: Kcontrol is its dependency.
> >> & would like to have smaller icons & no accompanying descriptions.
> >
> > you can change it to do that ;)
> So how (smile) ? -- ie without running the KDE 4 desktop.

either in systemsettings or in the config files ;) Everything is in .kde(or 
.kde4 or .kde4.3)/share/config

in systemsettings symbol size is in... ehm... Look (? Erscheinungsbild in 
german.... ), Symbols, advanced (or how it is called in english). There you 
can change Symbol sizes for toolbars. Text under icons can be deactivated 
under 'Style' 'Details'.

or you open the config file for every app ;)

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