On Mittwoch 30 September 2009, Sebastian Beßler wrote:
> Am 30.09.2009 06:49, schrieb Roy Wright:
> > Next install the "Konsole Profiles" widget where ever it is convenient
> > (desktop, panel).
> You can only install this widget when running kde 4.x as DE. Philip
> wrote more then one time that he uses Fluxbox not KDE.
> That is the main problem that I have with kde 4.x. More and more can one
> only use the apps when using the full KDE. Features are stripped from
> the app and put into widgets that only work on KDE.
> I really hate that.

except you are wrong here. The konsole profiles widget is an additional 
feature, not a replacement. Just create the profiles you want and you can 
easily choose with a single mouse click in konsole.

Also plasma-desktop does not need a full blown kde or even kwin.

KDE is happily running with every ICCCM /EWMH adhering windowmanager.

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