On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 08:04:03PM -0500, Penguin Lover David Juhl squawked:
> I am trying to find away to access files securely from my home computer.
> The network I am on is really strict on email attachments and no usb
> drives are allowed, so I possibly thought of a website that uses ssl and
> a password to access the files.  I really don't know where to begin.
> Since the files have personal information in them, I need to make sure
> no one can ease drop.  I have a Linux machine at home, and the computers
> at work run Windows.  There is really no hope in installing additional
> software on the computers at work.  Hell I haven't even had time to ask
> anyone if accessing my computer via the web would be a problem.  I have
> a domain name from dyndns.org. I can only use a CD-R which gets
> cumbersome at times... Sometimes I only need to bring in work I did that
> is less than 10M, and what a real waste of a CD-R. I rather just go to
> the files and do what I need.

Run a ssh server on your home box, and use putty (doesn't require
installation, you can just download a binary and run it as a user).

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           [ 0 0 ]
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    it will be false for the Universal Counterexample Matrix.
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