On Thu, 08 Oct 2009 22:22:05 -0400, Jonathan Callen <a...@gentoo.org>
> Hash: SHA1
> Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> Note you can also nest commands when using $(), which you can't do with
>> backticks.
> You can nest commands with ``, it's just less intuitive; each of the
> following are equivalent:

Thank for calling my attention on that.

Yes, I know how it works. I rather meant that you can't nest the backticks
in a vanilla fashion, like with $(). Escaping the ticks you can do whatever
you want, it's just a matter of making sure the right thing reaches the
correct depth in a nested chain of shells, since each time that this kind
of substitution it happens in a new subshell.

$ pgrep bash | wc -l
$ echo $(pgrep bash | wc -l)
$ echo $(echo $(pgrep bash | wc -l))

I'll admit I didn't express it in the clearest way. However, this doesn't
solve the fact of the accents being dead keys in a lost (most?) languages
with a Latin alphabet, but English, nor the problem about the clarity
(though that's less an issue when you are working in command line, most
times anyway). I have no idea if the accent is a standard character in
every keyboard layout, so I am not sure that that is a valid argument on
any sane keyboard. I just checked and that accent is even part of the 7 bit
ascii table (dec 96), which is as minimal as you can get nowadays unless we
are speaking about some exotic embedded stuff or ancient device of the
caverns, and in that case, probably the same could apply to $, and even ()

Jesús Guerrero

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