Thanks econti (& arttu).
My point was that I don't have the relevant news listed, rather than the actual solution to the issue.

econti wrote:
Amit Dor-Shifer ha scritto:
With regards to this:
I believe I'm in the same situation:

amit0 ~ # emerge -auvt world

These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:

Calculating dependencies... done!

!!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
!!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:


 ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.2', 'merge') pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.2[-debug] required by ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-test-4.5.2', 'merge') ~x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.2[glib,-debug,-qt3support] required by ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-gui-4.5.2-r2', 'merge') ~x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.2[-debug] required by ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.5.2', 'merge')
   (and 2 more)

 ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.1', 'merge') pulled in by
>=x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.1:4[qt3support,ssl] required by ('ebuild', '/', 'kde-base/libkcddb-4.3.1', 'merge') x11-libs/qt-core:4 required by ('ebuild', '/', 'kde-base/automoc-0.9.88', 'merge') ~x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.1[qt3support,-debug] required by ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-sql-4.5.1', 'merge')
   (and 2 more)


 ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-gui-4.5.1', 'merge') pulled in by
>=x11-libs/qt-gui-4.5.1:4[accessibility,dbus] required by ('ebuild', '/', 'kde-base/libkcddb-4.3.1', 'merge') >=x11-libs/qt-gui-4.5.1:4[accessibility,dbus] required by ('ebuild', '/', 'kde-base/libknotificationitem-4.3.1', 'merge') >=x11-libs/qt-gui-4.4.0:4 required by ('ebuild', '/', 'media-sound/phonon-4.4_pre20090520', 'merge')
   (and 2 more)

 ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-gui-4.5.2-r2', 'merge') pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-gui-4.5.2[-debug,-qt3support] required by ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.5.2-r1', 'merge') ~x11-libs/qt-gui-4.5.2[-debug] required by ('ebuild', '/', 'x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.5.2-r1', 'merge')


emerge: there are no ebuilds built with USE flags to satisfy "~x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.2[qt3support,-debug]".
!!! One of the following packages is required to complete your request:
- x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.2 (Change USE: +qt3support)
(dependency required by "x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.5.2" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "kde-base/libkcddb-4.3.1" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "app-cdr/k3b-1.68.0_alpha3" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "world" [argument])


However, the mentioned news item doesn't appear on my 'unread' list:

amit0 ~ # eselect news list
News items:
 [1]   read    2009-04-06  Migration to Server 1.5
 [2]   read    2009-10-02  Migration to Server 1.6 and libxcb 1.4
 [3]   read    2009-07-02  kdeprefix and monolithic ebuilds issues
 [4]   read    2009-04-18  Generation 1 Java Setup Deprecated
[5] read 2009-07-12 xorg-x11-7.4 and xorg-server-1.5 kernel support

though it does exist on the filesystem:

[13:35:50] amit0 ~ # head /usr/portage/metadata/news/2009-09-27-qt_use_changes/2009-09-27-qt_use_changes.en.txt
Title: Qt 4.5.2 default USE flag changes
Author: Alex Alexander <>
Content-Type: text/plain
Posted: 2009-09-27
Revision: 1
News-Item-Format: 1.0
Display-If-Installed: <x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.2

Would that "Display-If-Installed" be the reason why it's missing from the list?

amit0 ~ # qlist -Uv qt
x11-libs/qt-3.3.8b-r1 (cups nis opengl)

What I'm trying to say is: if indeed the issue here is the same as Alan's, then "qt_use_changes" should show up when I 'eselect news read'.


Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
Am Donnerstag 22 Oktober 2009 23:19:07 schrieb Alan E. Davis:
I've tried alot of things, but I give up. Can someone help me with the knot of dependencies that has been holding my system in hostage from any
 attempt to update world, for weeks now?

Please read your portage news, especially "2009-09-27-qt_use_changes". See also this weeks thread with subject "Confusion".



Remember also the dbus USE flag: that solved my problem. :-)


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