On 29 Oct 2009, at 14:59, James wrote:
Stroller <stroller <at> stellar.eclipse.co.uk> writes:

I think that alternative methods of approaching system administration
are sure to bring their own problems and require an investment of time
to implement, but I don't see how upgrading machines one by one is
sustainable. Honestly, it would be driving me crazy to be in your
position, and I think some other alternative might well show time and
hassle saved once it's up and running.

Thanks for the unecessary tongue lashing.
The systems rarely are at my location. I just cannot upgrade them
at my decision, as they belong to others.

Some of the machines I do not physically get for 6 months at a time.

I didn't intend to give you a tongue-lashing, and I'm sorry if I offended you. I was just trying to help and suggest a better way.

Obviously, I didn't know that the machines are in diverse locations, and obviously that makes a unified strategy impossible. I fear there's very little you can do, except log in remotely and regularly, allowing you to minimise update hassles and become familiar with issues as they are current.


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