Am Donnerstag 29 Oktober 2009 19:39:27 schrieb Dan Johansson:
> Today when I do an update world on one of my serves I get the following:
> ----------------------------------------------------8<---------------------
> ----------------------------- # emerge --update --deep --verbose
>  --reinstall changed-use --with-bdeps y world --pretend --tree
> These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> emerge: there are no ebuilds built with USE flags to satisfy ">=x11-
> libs/cairo-1.6[X]".
> !!! One of the following packages is required to complete your request:
> - x11-libs/cairo-1.8.8 (Change USE: +X)
> (dependency required by "x11-libs/gtk+-2.16.6" [ebuild])
> (dependency required by "media-gfx/ufraw-0.15-r1" [ebuild])
> (dependency required by "media-gfx/imagemagick-" [ebuild])
> (dependency required by "www-apps/gallery-2.3" [ebuild])
> (dependency required by "world" [argument])
> ----------------------------------------------------8<---------------------
> -----------------------------
> As this is a server I really do not want/need X on this host.

So why do have gtk+ in your USE, then? That's the one that makes ufraw pull in 
gtk+ which in turn wants cairo with the X flag. OTOH, this doesn't mean you'll 
get X installed on your machine. You'll only get a handful of X libs.
> I can not see why it works if I first deletes all USE flags (-*) and the
>  just sets the USE flags I need again.

Because it's not imagemagick that wants cairo with X (which the emerge output 
above clearly states).



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