On 4 Nov 2009, at 18:14, Erik wrote:

Stroller skrev:
On 4 Nov 2009, at 13:22, Neil Bothwick wrote:
There are four options here, first day of week, first working day of
week, last working day of week and day of the week for religious
observance. It would appear your locale uses a different translation!

I am torn as whether to find this funny or improper.

Only when I know what it's supposed to say I really like the joke that
both are equally important. Why indeed give religious observance a
higher priority?!?!

My point is of course that in my desktop environment, I do not want an
option for either strip club attendance, religious observance, or
anything else that someone else might want to do once a week.

I would prefer to keep the desktop environment neutral (secular) by
default. If there is indeed a need for such an option to make sundays
red in the calendar, it would be more proper to call it sometning more
neutral, like "Weekly holiday", "Ceremonial weekday" or "Special
weekday". The user can then let that mean lap dance, prayer, family
dinner, hiking, hacking or whatever he may be interested in.

The thing is that "day of the week for religious observance" is intuitive - it should default to Sunday in the west, Saturday in certain regions, and Pastafarians can select the day appropriate to their observance.

The meaning of "day for religious observance" is quite obvious - that it applies to the common case of a recurring weekly all-day event. Consequently the strip club joke is unhelpful because one doesn't usually take the whole day off for this reason.

I don't use KDE myself, so I'm left to wonder if it's possible to have multiple "dayS of the week for religious observance" - I believe Jews observe from Friday evening through the weekend. Can this be marked by the same mechanism?

How about the secular? In the west we usually have both Saturday and Sunday off from our office jobs. Are these clearly marked in a similar manner? If I agreed with my boss to work weekend technical support and have Mondays and Tuesdays off, could I change it so these are displayed as my "weekend"?


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