On Saturday 07 November 2009 19:51:10 Philip Webb wrote:
> Yes, it's very useful: thanks as usual.
> BTW I'm surprised how fast the little machine is compiling stuff:
> it's faster than my 2003 machine & approaches my 2007 Core 2 Duo.
> Also, there's a reference in a Gentoo Wiki article to hyperthreading,
> which advises to configure multiple processing into the kernel.
> Is this correct ?  Is it safe ?

Be very careful with hyperthreading. It's one of those things that looked like 
a good idea at the time and didn't really work out in practice.

There's a reason why so many CPUs these days are multi-core.

I always advise to disable hyper-threading first unless it's proven to be 
beneficial. And the signal-to-noise ratio is gentoo-wiki is nowhere near as 
high as some folks think

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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