Am 12.11.2009 12:47, schrieb Dale:

Alan McKinnon wrote:

While I am here, I plan to get rid of all the layman stuff when KDE 4 is
ready enough for me to use. Do I just run layman -d all and unmerge
layman? Does that get the job done?

Leave layman installed, it's useful. You also need it if you want the
sunrise stuff.

Run KDE4 and 3.5 side by side for a bit till you are happy. They use
different directories in ~ so they don't clash:

kde-3.5 ~/.kde
kde-4 ~/.kde4

The only "clash" I experience is that a kbuildsyoca (without the 4) in kde4 environment causes kde3 quicklauncher to lose all contents except for the Kontact symbol, kcontrol becomes empty and nothing from the k-menu works. If I do the kbuildsycoca back in kde3, then log out and in again, everything is back to normal, only the Quicklauncher remains empty. I got used to it thanks to Katapult. :-)

then unmerge all of kde-3.5, verify with depclean, then delete the

I thought they changed all that? I have /usr/kde/3.5 but nothing for KDE
4. Equery shows this:
> r...@smoker ~ # equery files kde-base/kdelibs-4.3.3

Alan spoke about the configs and app data in ~. kdelibs naturally installs into the system, not home. And if you don't enable the prefix useflag in the older version (I believe they removed it a while ago anyway), then it installs HFS compliantly into /usr instead of /usr/kde/$version.

PS.: I too use the kde3 overlay, as I am hesitant to switch as well. The bloody NVidia graphics driver causes regular flickering and sometimes it all hangs. I have orphaned entries in the task panel on a regular basis. KDM4 doesn't like my preferred font size. And until the Akregator devs have dealt with I can't use Kontact 4 either.
Am 8. Tag schuf Gott das Bier, und seitdem hörte man nichts mehr von ihm.

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