Alex Schuster wrote:
SUBJECT: Cron <r...@obelix> test -x /usr/sbin/run-crons &&
error: kernel:9 unknown option 'compytruncate' -- ignoring line
error: kernel:12 unknown option 'endscript' -- ignoring line
I assume you are using logrotate, and have the /etc/logrotate.d/kernel file? I guess the 'compytruncate' is misspelled and should be 'copytruncate'. And 'endscript' is used after using 'prerotate' or 'postrotate', which you probably do not have.

You are right: I just quickly created logrotate config for kernel
by copying from other config, misspeled that "compytruncate",
erased "postrotate" script but forgot to delete "endscript".
I completely forgot about this change, and when I received
email with "error: kernel" I immediatelly thought of some
kernel misconfiguration...

Something like that, I never used logrotate by myself. See the man page for more information.

Let me ask: how do you deal with /var/log/wtmp? I think it does not
go through syslog, and even it it does, it is not easy to process it
whit that syslog-macro because it is not pure text file. Do you
let it grow forever? Or how do you transfer it to log-server?


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