Alan McKinnon schrieb:

> Most folk now have to rebuild 70 - 300 packages, I'm stuck with 
> potentially 1472 <sigh>

I feel with you ... fortunately the cpus should do it on their own,
accompanied by some fans ;-)


Any idea how to elegantly split that job into some digestible chunks?

The various qlop/genlop/awk/grep/sed-scripts posted so far simply give
me the whole list of packages emerged since patch-2.6 and today while
they don't care about what I rebuilt already.

Seems as if I have to simply manage that to-rebuild-list myself ..

Greets, Stefan

ps: *maybe* my X11-crashing-issue is somehow related to this as well.
I first posted that issue on nov,15th ... on the same day patch-2.6 hit
~amd64 AFAIK ...

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