Alan McKinnon ha scritto:
> Basically, the most important thing to sort out is those qt blocks. You 
> appear 
> to be running an arch machine as version 4.5.3-r1 wants to be merged, right?

Yes, x86 (sorry, I forgot that)

> Trying to merge just qt-gui (or any other individual qt apps) is not really 
> going to help much, as portage does not do a deep search. Try:
> emerge -avuND world
> and see if portage sensibly sorts out what should replace what. You might 
> need 
> a very recent portage for this to work automagically. 

Good advice. emerge -avuND world indeed seems to find the blocks as
self-resolving. However, since it wants to update/install a LOT of stuff...

( "Total: 414 packages (286 upgrades, 94 new, 5 in new slots, 29
reinstalls, 2 uninstalls)" )

...I would like to update the thing piece-by-piece, to troubleshoot
better whatever happens.

> If not, you can either 
> unmask portage, emerge portage and try again, or if you don't like that 
> approach, you must do it the older, longer way:

I could do it, if I have some safety option that allows me to downgrade
portage later, in case I find problems. I am quite conservative with
this system (it's a machine I use for day-to-day work) and I wouldn't
like to have it borked.

> remove every single qt and/or qt-* package from world (qt should be treated 
> as 
> pure dependencies unless you are developing qt apps)
> unmerge *everything* in qt
> emerge -avuND world
> and let portage sort out what qt versions must be installed.
> Then you must remerge all of KDE4 and every other package that uses qt. Don't 
> skimp this step becuase it 'takes a long time' - you will surely regret it 
> (random mysterious failures etc that only go away when you finally do update 
> all of KDE)

Ok, this seems the safest option.

> Once qt is out of the way, proceed with any other blockers that remain

Ys, qt is my mainproblem. I have another udev related block in the world
update, but *seems* unrelated.


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