Stroller wrote:

On 6 Jan 2010, at 18:57, Dale wrote:
Stroller wrote:
On 5 Jan 2010, at 23:33, Dale wrote:
Gentoo wasn't at fault here. KDE was the one that dropped the ball. Gentoo had to follow the knuckle heads at KDE tho.

Between KDE & Gentoo, aren't most contributors volunteers? In volunteer development it's normal & necessary to focus on the features that one needs most. I can really understand KDE's position that downstream distros - Red Hat & Canonical both have paid developers - can continue maintenance on a codebase that is no longer receiving their primary attention.

So, KDE is maintaining KDE 3.5? If KDE is/was maintaining KDE 3.5 then Gentoo would still have it in the tree. If KDE is not supporting KDE 3.5 then Gentoo has to drop it, as things break and develop security issues. Again, this is not Gentoo's fault for not developing KDE 3.5, it is KDE that dropped it. What Redhat does most likely won't affect what Gentoo does. I don't use Redhat but I do use Gentoo.

Where did I say KDE is maintaining KDE 3.5?

That was the question. Saying that Redhat or someone else is maintaining KDE is not the same as KDE maintaining it.

If you want to find "fault", Dale, it's your fault for using free software you're not prepared to maintain. The source code is there - fix any bugs you have problems with.

My fault?  I don't develop any software so is everything else my fault too?

I'm also pretty sure that Gentoo doesn't do development work on Gnome, Fluxbox, Apache, MySql and other packages. They just make ebuilds and put them in the tree so people can use them.

I'm pretty sure you don't do development work on X, Y or Z, either.

I'm all for attributing blame when devs make decisions I disagree with, but this is simply a matter of limited resources.

I hope my above statements don't sound nasty, but you want 3.5, Alan [1] wants KDE 4. The various developers upstream of you and Alan - i.e. both KDE and Gentoo - don't have time to work on both. So they have each chosen where to spend their time, and that's on KDE 4.

Sorry if you don't like it - this wasn't my decision, I'm just trying to explain. Either you or Alan are going to be disappointed that your preferred version doesn't get the attention you would like it to. Sorry it had to be you.


[1] Some hypothetical Alan who does not really exist.

And I'm sorry that they made the decision they made too. Thing about software, no one can force someone to use it. With windoze, you get IE whether you like it or not. You don't really have a *easy* choice there. If I don't like KDE, I can switch to something else. With things brealing like they are, that day may come. This point has been discussed a lot on the KDE mailing list. KDE dropped support for KDE 3.5. It wasn't Gentoo that dropped it. It wasn't any other distro either, it was KDE. Sorry you want to blame me or someone else for their decisions.

:-) :-)

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