pk wrote:
Dale wrote:

You say they dropped support.  I call it dropping the ball.  Same thing.

Sorry for "butting in"...

As I understand it, KDE development is mostly driven by volunteers (like
most OSS projects). Yes, some are probably paid/employed by interested
parties but this doesn't really change the fact that there are limited
resources that might be better to concentrate on the latest (and
"greatest"). Not trying to be flame-baiting but, as with all OSS
projects, if you don't like something, you can sharpen your hacking
skills and contribute/fork/whatever to get what you want. Besides,
comparing KDE with Microsoft is a bit unfair, don't you think? MS
products is payed and supported through the sale of their software. KDE
is free, unless you pay for support... Perhaps it's time to look around
for something that suits you better? For me I like simplicity/minimalism
and I've settled for xfce4.

For the record I used to run K3b with a minimal kde-support environment
(kdelibs, qt etc.), still under xfce4 of course, but I stopped
using/removed it when KDE4 was enforced. Not that I have anything
against qt4/KDE4 but it mandated installation of "accessibility"
libs/utilities + "the kitchen sink" (why that would be required is
beyond me; I thought accessibility was the exception and not the norm)...

Again, just my opinion, not meaning to upset you, Dale, or anyone else...

Best regards

Peter K

And this is the same thing that has already been said before. Volunteer or paid, they dropped the ball.

:-) :-)

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