Not too long ago there was a question here about why pam is
needed (or not) but I can't find that thread at the moment :-/

Anyway, I said that I put "auth sufficient" in
my /etc/pam.d/system-auth file so that I can ssh between
the machines on my home network using my ssh key for login
authentication *instead* of a password.

Well, Neil said that I don't need pam for that because sshd
handles ssh logins automatically, whether by key or password.

I deleted that line from system-auth and found that I could
indeed ssh between machines using my ssh key, just as Neil


Then I remembered that the *real* reason I added that line
to system-auth is so that I can login directly (not via ssh)
to my local machines using my ssh passphrase instead of an
ordinary password.  (This seems inherently more secure to
me, but I could be wrong.)

After thinking awhile I realized that pam can be used to
combine muliple forms of authentication to reduce the well
documented risk of single-factor authentication (like our
traditional password system).

Example:  if I have an ordinary password, plus an ssh key
stored on a USB stick, plus a biometric device like an
eye scanner or a fingerprint scanner, I can then use any
or all of those methods to identify myself to the system
by configuring pam in the appropriate way.

Any sysadmins out there that can confirm my reasoning?

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