On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 9:09 AM, Frank Steinmetzger <war...@gmx.de> wrote:
> So sdb7 now ends at sector 976703935. Interestingly, I couldn’t use the
> immediate next sector for sdb8:
> start for sdb8   response by fdisk
> 976703936        sector already allocated
> 976703944        Value out of range. First sector... (default 976703999):
> The first one fdisk offered me was exactly 64 sectors behind the end sector of
> sdb7 (976703999), which would leave a space of those mysterious 62 “empty”
> sectors in between. So I used 976704000, which is divisable by 64 again,
> though it’s not that relevant for a partition of 31 MB. :D

Again, this is probably unrelated to anything going on in this thread
but I started wondering this morning if maybe fdisk could take a step
forward with these newer disk technologies and build in some smarts
about where to put partition boundaries. I.e. - if I'm using a 4K
block size disk why not have fdisk do things better?

My first thought was to look at the man page for fdisk and see who the
author was. I did not find any email addresses. However I did find
some very interesting comments about partitioning disks in the bugs
section, quoted below.

I don't think I need what the 'bugs' author perceives as the
advantages of fdisk so I think I'll try to focus a bit more on cfdisk.
Interestingly cfdisk was the tool Willie pointed out when he kindly
took the time to educate me on what was going on physically.

- Mark


       There  are several *fdisk programs around.  Each has its
problems and strengths.  Try
       them in the order cfdisk, fdisk, sfdisk.  (Indeed, cfdisk is a
beautiful program that
       has strict requirements on the partition tables it accepts, and
produces high quality
       partition tables. Use it if you can.  fdisk is a buggy program
that does fuzzy things
       -  usually  it happens to produce reasonable results. Its
single advantage is that it
       has some support for BSD disk labels and other non-DOS
partition tables.  Avoid it if
       you can.  sfdisk is for hackers only - the user interface is
terrible, but it is more
       correct than fdisk and more powerful than both fdisk and
cfdisk.  Moreover, it can be
       used noninteractively.)


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