On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 20:23:41 +0100, pk wrote:

> To me D-Bus is a bit like this:
> Programmer1: (waves hands in the air) Oh, oh I know, let's invent a new
> protocol that lets applications talk to each other. Way cool!

Note that they are inventing a new protocol, not a new idea.

> Programmer2: Oh yeah, it will simplify the situation so much. Let's do
> it! Pragmatic guy: So, what are these apps going to talk about?

The same as they always talked about, but now they have a common protocol
that can work with everything. D-Bus is not so much a new concept but a
logical rationalisation of previous, disparate implementations.

Neil Bothwick

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.

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