Hi list: What exactly is xdg-open and how to I configure it to do what I want?
The question came up because I am using jabref, a Java based bibtex management system. On my home machine, when I tried to open a PDF file, java throws a file-not-found error on "xdg-open". But I have xdg-utils installed, and xdg-open is found in /usr/bin. Right now I have gotten around the problem by configuring jabref explicitly to use xpdf to load PDF files. For all I know this is probably a environment/PATH issue in the load script for jabref. I took a look at the man page for xdg-open, and find the concept intriguing. The idea seems useful. But how does one go about "setting the default" programs for various documents? If I try to issue "xdg-open file.pdf", it tries to load firefox, which then asks me where to save the pdf file. This is rather obviously not the desired behaviour. Maybe I'm blind or something, but I don't see anything in the man page about how it determines what is the user's preferred application. Cheers, W -- Willie W. Wong ww...@math.princeton.edu Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire et vice versa ~~~ I. Newton