On Monday 01 March 2010 21:07:18 Dale wrote:
And to think I have been in KDE 4 for almost a week now.  Maybe this is
to soon to remove KDE 3?
To be fair, amarok is not part of KDE-4, it's a third party add-on to the KDE
framework. Not much the KDE devs can do about that except encourage the Amarok
devs to ship quality tested code.

Sort of like AdBlock - if it were poor quality it would not be a correct
reflection on Mozilla as a whole

This is true I guess. It is getting there but I still have to work around problems. It's still missing things but it is getting more usable.

My pet peeve so far is the background slide show.  Every time I log in,
try to change a setting for the background, or sneeze the wrong way, it
starts looking for the new images, even tho there may not be any.  I
have a huge amount of them and it takes almost 2 minutes to "rebuild"
whatever it is building.  While it is doing that, it won't do anything

I'm hoping this will change sometime soon.  Oh, I also don't like that
the images are random.  Most of my images are done as a slide show.
Having them in random order sort of defeats the point.
My pet peeve is Desktop. I have two monitors at work and use two X screens.
KDE wants to create a Desktop and a Desktop-1 directory. I want it to just use
the same set of files for both - background, icons, plasma widgets must be the
same on both monitors, but actual app windows running there independent. This
seems perfectly reasonable to me - e17 does it out the box - but thus far I
have not found the magic voodoo spell that makes it happen.

I still have a single CRT monitor. The LCDs are getting cheaper tho. Maybe they will fix or add the needed code for you to be able to do what you want before to long. I'm not sure when the next set of updates are coming out.

I never could get the kde layman to work right so I gave up on it. The kde-sunset works fine tho. Weird.


:-)  :-)

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