On 9 March 2010 11:14, Xi Shen <davidshe...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> i usually use my linux system with root account. i think it is not
> good, so i created a normal user account for myself. but i found that
> i cannot access many system resources, like usb disk, battery
> informatiion, etc.
> i am already in these groups: disk,wheel,audio,video,usb,haldaemon,plugdev.
> now, i cannot get notification when i plug a new usb device. my
> battery gadget says battery information is not available.
> all there stuffs works fine if i log in with root account.

You only have yourself to blame I'm afraid ...

When you login to xorg using a root account some configuration files
become owned by root.  A normal user can no longer access them.  Most
desktops should be clever enough to allow users to create their own
configuration files in their home directory - but I am not sure how
you have yours set up.

Either way, to login in X as root user is a *very* bad idea from a
security perspective.  Personally, I recommend to reinstall Gentoo
from scratch, instead of messing up with access permissions on config
files.  It would also teach you to follow the Gentoo handbook to the
letter (which asks you to set up a plain user account during the
installation).  ;-)

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