On 03/14/2010 04:57 AM, ubiquitous1980 wrote:
Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
On 03/14/2010 02:53 AM, ubiquitous1980 wrote:
The effects in kwin (such as window wobble) are vastly less smooth than
that in compiz.  I have noticed that compiz is faster in both kde4 and
in gnome (with slight preference to gnome in speed) and wondering if
this is normal, or something to do with my kwin setup.  Running on GM

kwin got crappy animation speed in KDE 4.4.  It was as smooth as
compiz in 4.3.  I asked about it in the KDE mailing list, but there
was zero interest in this regression.  So you either have to live with
it, or switch to compiz.

Thanks for your reply.  I am currently using kde 4.3 because I try only
to update to downstream-stable.  Is there another explanation?

Too old drivers and X maybe. Since you're using downstream-stable, but the cool DRM/GL/KMS stuff is only in the latest upstream versions, this might be the problem.

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