Dnia 2010-03-14, o godz. 05:34:04
Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@arcor.de> napisał(a):

> On 03/14/2010 04:57 AM, ubiquitous1980 wrote:
> > Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> >> On 03/14/2010 02:53 AM, ubiquitous1980 wrote:
> >>> The effects in kwin (such as window wobble) are vastly less
> >>> smooth than that in compiz.  I have noticed that compiz is faster
> >>> in both kde4 and in gnome (with slight preference to gnome in
> >>> speed) and wondering if this is normal, or something to do with
> >>> my kwin setup.  Running on GM 965
> >>
> >> kwin got crappy animation speed in KDE 4.4.  It was as smooth as
> >> compiz in 4.3.  I asked about it in the KDE mailing list, but there
> >> was zero interest in this regression.  So you either have to live
> >> with it, or switch to compiz.
> >>
> >>
> > Thanks for your reply.  I am currently using kde 4.3 because I try
> > only to update to downstream-stable.  Is there another explanation?
> Too old drivers and X maybe.  Since you're using downstream-stable,
> but the cool DRM/GL/KMS stuff is only in the latest upstream
> versions, this might be the problem.

kwin is slower on intel cards. Kwin with gnome or xfce is much
faster... Intel video cards are very slow...

From my experience every version of kde above 3.0 is slower than any
other window manager (gnome (sawfish, metacity, enlightenment),
xfce(xfwm), compiz, lxde,...), on every machine I've had. It needs more
memory, faster hard disks, stable filesystem (ext4::delalloc?), better
video card... and so on. Even Qt seems to be slower than GTK+ if you
launch application that does similar thing.

...or it's just my imagination :)

If you want smooth kde get a nvidia or ati card, at least 256MB, 2GB
ram, 1.6GHz.

You could also try nice/renice

Kacper Kopczyński

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