This depends on the objective.  For a global aerosol program designed to stop 
the warming of the entire planet, the answer is no.  In this case, we want the 
aerosol to stay suspended as long as possible to get the maximum amount of 
sunlight scattering and to minimize the quantity of precursor that has to be 
transported to the stratosphere.  The longer lived aerosol would also tend to 
be less of a problem in ozone depletion as the surface area would be reduced 
relative to larger shorter lived droplets.  

If the aerosol precursor is released in the tropical stratosphere, it will 
circle and cover the entire globe, including India.  Releases outside the 
tropics could be attempted, but this would create uneven warming of a different 
kind and a good portion of India and all of China is outside the tropics anyway.

In the case of an Arctic only aerosol program, the aerosol size issue is 
probably the same, but the supporters have set as criteria releasing the 
precursor in the upper troposphere (around 45,000 ft) in the spring with the 
goal of having it all gone by the end of the summer.  This would minimize any 
ozone depletion as the aerosol would have to be present in the winter for the 
"dark" reactions to take place.  Having the aerosol active only during the 
summer might lessen or have no impact on monsoons or other seasonal rainfall 
patterns.  There is no data to support this one way or the other.

Note also that the limited modeling done to date in addition to the resolution 
of regional impacts issue mentioned earlier today also has focussed almost 
entirely on high loading of aerosol precursor to simulate that required to 
offset a doubling of CO2 from pre-industrial.  While these extreme conditions 
may actually be required at some point decades from now, a more likely scenario 
is one of a gradual incremental increase in the aerosol to match GHG forcing or 
to offset loss of tropospheric aerosols.  In such cases, the climate system may 
adjust and there may be no impact on monsoonal flows or precipitation or the 
effect may be very gradual and so can be dealt with by adaptation.  The point 
is we simply don't know because these studies haven't been done.  Thus the risk 
questions posed by John Nissen represent work that needs to be done.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Andrew Lockley 
  To: John Nissen 
  Cc: Alvia Gaskill ; ; ; ; ; 
; ; ; 
  Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 8:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [geo] Re: Balancing the pros and cons of geoengineering

  Can't we modify the aerosol size, and deployment patterns, to make sure they 
fall out quickly and don't go anywhere near India?


  2009/5/9 John Nissen <>

    Very good discussion.

    I'm trying to get a balance of pros (benefits B1-B7) and cons (specific 
fears S1-S21).  What I'd like out of our discussion is some kind of risk 
assessment for the possible downside of a weaker monsoon, as this is considered 
the biggest risk in the regional effects (S1).   And we could make this 
reasonably pessimistic, to be on the safe side - i.e. be cautious with the 
application of geoengineering.  On the other hand, we might be able to reduce 
this risk, e.g. by neutralising sulphate aerosol; if there's a good chance of 
this working, then we can factor that into the calculation. Or the risk might 
be offset by a benefit in that region, e.g. improved summer water supply from 
Himalayan glaciers?

    So, what kind of impact would a weaker monsoon (ISM) have on India?  What 
is the probability of stratospheric aerosols deployed in the Arctic would 
produce a weaker monsoon?  Can this risk be significantly countered?  Can it be 
significantly offset?

    Note that the risk on benefit side might be measured in terms of a risk, 
without geoengineering, of millions or even billions of lives being lost 
(especially if massive methane release adds several degrees of global warming, 
B4).  Alternatively we could measure in GDP lost - current global GDP (aka GWP) 
is about $60 trillion I believe.



    ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alvia Gaskill" <>
    To: <>; <>

    Cc: <>; "Andrew Lockley" 
<>; <>; <>; 
<>; <>; 
<>; <>

    Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 4:50 PM
    Subject: Re: [geo] Re: Balancing the pros and cons of geoengineering

      Stephen makes a good point that leads to a more general one.  If there 
are precipitation reductions associated with sunlight blocking schemes, 
consideration should also be given to mitigating these, analogous to the 
medications given to patients with Type II diabetes to combat the side effects 
of the primary drug.

      This is an oversimplification, but the way summer monsoons work is that 
in the summer the land gets warmer than the ocean faster, creating a low 
pressure area and this causes on shore flow as air moves from high to low 
presssure.  For some reason, Laki caused this to be muted.  There were no 
aerosols from Laki over India and it has been suggested there was a 
teleconnected response (see the paper Stephen attached) although in paleo 
climate the authors say the effects were direct, but don't give specifics. In 
the case of Pinatubo, both the land and sea were cooled by the aerosol and the 
land simply didn't heat up fast enough to generate the on shore flow.

      If the Arctic only aerosol geoengineering does cause a reduction in the 
ISM (Indian Summer Monsoon as there are other monsoons that affect India, but 
this is the most important one), use of the cloud whitening to restore at least 
some of the temperature differential should be considered. Likewise, in a 
global aerosol scheme, with a global aerosol spread similar to that of 
Pinatubo, the cloud whitening could also be used to create a temperature 
differential, but at some point it becomes a race to the bottom, with the land 
temperature simply too cool to initiate the low pressure area.  In this case, 
reducing the depth of the aerosol layer over the land may be the most effective 
way to restore the dynamics.

      I previously suggested using ammonia released from either planes or 
balloons to react with the sulfate aerosol and drop them out as ammonium 
sulfate. This idea as well as Stephen's could be applied to other locations 
such as the Amazon, Eastern China and Africa where models indicate unacceptable 
reductions in precipitation are a result of either aerosol geoengineering or 
global warming.  Of course, the ammonia wouldn't be of any value in a global 
warming/no aerosol scenario.

      I said in one the earliest papers I wrote on geoengineering that 
eventually we were going to have to learn how to manipulate the climate to our 
advantage.  That includes both gross scale and fine tuning.

      In a related issue, last year I posted a link from a group in the UK that 
was carrying out some 130 different models of aerosol geoengineering.  It was a 
volunteer effort among universities.  If they have done even a fraction of the 
modeling, this work should be taken into account in designing new studies such 
as Rutgers is proposing.  Anyone have an update?

      You may recall also that we spent some time last year discussing the 
significance of the "little brown blotches" in absolute terms and now Ken also 
raises the issue of their resolution.

      Monsoons are caused by the larger amplitude of the seasonal cycle of land 
temperature compared to that of nearby oceans. This differential warming 
happens because heat in the ocean is mixed vertically through a "mixed layer" 
that may be fifty meters deep, through the action of wind and 
buoyancy-generated turbulence, whereas the land surface conducts heat slowly, 
with the seasonal signal penetrating perhaps a meter or so. Additionally, the 
specific heat capacity of liquid water is significantly higher than that of 
most materials that make up land. Together, these factors mean that the heat 
capacity of the layer participating in the seasonal cycle is much larger over 
the oceans than over land, with the consequence that the air over the land 
warms faster and reaches a higher temperature than the air over the ocean.[11] 
Heating of the air over the land reduces the air's density, creating an area of 
low pressure. This produces a wind blowing toward the land, bringing moist 
near-surface air from over the ocean. Rainfall is caused by the moist ocean air 
being lifted upwards by mountains, surface heating, convergence at the surface, 
divergence aloft, or from storm-produced outflows at the surface. However the 
lifting occurs, the air cools due to expansion, which in turn produces 

      In winter, the land cools off quickly, but the ocean retains heat longer. 
The cold air over the land creates a high pressure area which produces a breeze 
from land to ocean.[11] Monsoons are similar to sea and land breezes, a term 
usually referring to the localized, diurnal (daily) cycle of circulation near 
coastlines, but they are much larger in scale, stronger and seasonal.[12]

      ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Salter" <>
      To: <>
      Cc: <>; "Andrew Lockley" 
<>; <>; <>; 
<>; <>; 
<>; <>
      Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 6:43 AM
      Subject: [geo] Re: Balancing the pros and cons of geoengineering

        Hi All

        The attached paper by Zickfeld et al shows, in figure 2, what might
        happen to the Indian Monsoon if we do nothing. Cooling the sea relative
        to the land should move things in the opposite direction.


        Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design
        School of Engineering and Electronics
        University of Edinburgh
        Mayfield Road
        Edinburgh EH9 3JL
        tel +44 131 650 5704
        fax +44 131 650 5702
        Mobile  07795 203 195

        Alan Robock wrote:

          Dear Ken,

          I agree.  We need several models to do the same experiment so we can 
          how robust the ModelE results are. That is why we have proposed to the
          IPCC modeling groups to all do the same experiments so we can compare
          results.  Nevertheless, observations after large volcanic eruptions,
          including 1783 Laki and 1991 Pinatubo, show exactly the same precip
          reductions as our calculations.

          Even if precip in the summer monsoon region goes down, how important 
          it for food production?  It will be countered by increased CO2 and
          increased diffuse solar radiation, both of which should make plants 
          more.  We need people studying impacts of climate change on 
          to take our scenarios and analyze them.


          Alan Robock, Professor II
           Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
           Associate Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
          Department of Environmental Sciences        Phone: +1-732-932-9800 
          Rutgers University                                  Fax: 
          14 College Farm Road                   E-mail:
          New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA

          Ken Caldeira wrote:

            A few questions re claims about monsoons:

            1. How well is the monsoon represented in the model's base state? Is
            this a model whose predictions about the monsoon are to be trusted?

            2. Since the believability of climate model results for any small
            region based on one model simulation is low, for some reasonably
            defined global metrics (e.g., rms error in temperature and precip,
            averaged over land surface, cf. Caldeira and Wood 2008) is the 
            of mean climate change reduced by reasonable aerosol forcing? (I
            conjecture yes.)

            Alan is interpreting as significant his little brown blotches in the
            right side of Fig 7 in a model with 4 x 5 degree resolution (see

            How does the GISS ModelE do in the monsoon region? If you look at 
            9 of Jiandong et al (attached), at least in cloud radiative forcing,
            GISS ModelE is one of the worst IPCC AR4 models in the monsoon 

            So, while Alan may ultimately be proven right, it is a little
            premature to be implying that we know based on Alan's simulations 
            these aerosol schemes will affect the Indian monsoon.

            If you look at Caldeira and Wood (2008), we find that idealized 
            solar reduction plus CO2, on average precipitation is increased
            relative to the 1xCO2 world.

            Ken Caldeira

            Carnegie Institution Dept of Global Ecology
            260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA

            +1 650 704 7212; fax: +1 650 462 5968



        The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
        Scotland, with registration number SC005336.


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