Future Danger 

Future Danger enters a world where robots safeguard our cities, massive 
underwater heating and cooling systems break up hurricanes before they hit 
land, and advanced rocket interceptors protect the planet from asteroids that 
could wipe out humanity.

Air times in the U.S.: June 7, 9pm, June 8, 12am and June 9, 4 am.  60 minutes.

The program referenced above aired last weekend and I watched it.  Since my 
original message spawned a great deal of interest, I thought I'd provide a 

Future Danger examines some potentially beneficial and harmful technological 
breakthroughs that are thought to be likely in the 21st century.  Topics 
covered in this episode included whether or not superintelligent computers 
might decide to make us their slaves (they already have, it's called the 
Internet), can we prevent killer asteroids from striking the Earth and can we 
save the seeds of important crops in case GW and/or something else wipes out 
the original plants.  The latter is actually being done in Svalbard, north of 
the Arctic Circle.  A typhoon in the Philippines destroyed some key rice seed 
lines so a global repository is probably a good idea, although one has to 
wonder if there is any point to this on a much larger scale in a depopulated 
world with a wacked out climate. 

The segment on hurricanes was brief and not particularly informative.  Ross 
Hoffman, VP of Atmospheric Environmental Research and author of several 
articles on weather and hurricane modification said their goal was to make 
hurricanes change their track or intensity.  AER's computer models showed that 
a 1 degree change (assumed to be F) in the hurricane itself and not SST, would 
make a large difference in the path and intensity.  Actually, I thought that 
the path is largely determined by steering currents, i.e. upper level winds and 
neighboring high and low pressure systems.  

The two mitigation options presented were beaming energy via satellites to the 
location where a hurricane is forming or placing giant tubes into the ocean in 
front of an existing hurricane's path.  No explanation of how the energy from 
space approach would work was given, but further research indicates it is 
intended to heat the cloud tops of the storm, thereby reducing the temperature 
differential between the top and the bottom of the storm that drives the 
circulation.  A similar idea involves releasing carbon black over the top of 
the storm and there are variations on this that involve releasing the carbon 
black elsewhere.

The giant tubes idea is the same concept as promoted by Atmocean and 
Lovelock/Rapley, that the natural bobbing motion imparted by waves would cause 
cold water to be carried upwards whereupon it would spill out over the top of 
the tubes and spread out on the surface, robbing the hurricane of some of its 

The narrator then says that contrails from jet aircraft can also heat and cool 
the atmosphere.  What was the point of this?  Hoffman then says it is uncertain 
where a hurricane whose path was artificially changed to avoid, say Miami, 
might strike.  Perhaps the Bahamas he speculated.

AER newsletter where on page 2, the claim is made that in their computer models 
they have successfully reduced intensity and changed tracks of hurricanes.

Hoffman also an advisor to that turkey movie on the Disco Channel, Superstorm 
along with Kerry Emanuel and Chris Landsea.

The three experts also answered questions about weather modification in an 
online forum:

Except for the idea of a movable space sunscreen to cool water ahead of 
hurricanes, there weren't many new ideas advanced.  Landsea's own take on 
hurricane mitigation is below.  The carbon black idea was used in the movie, 
not to weaken the storm, but to create a low pressure system to make the 
hurricane change its course.  In the movie, intense cloud seeding was used to 
weaken the eye wall.

"There have been numerous techniques that we have considered over 
the years to modify hurricanes: seeding clouds with dry ice or 
Silver Iodide, cooling the ocean with cryogenic material or 
icebergs, changing the radiational balance in the hurricane 
environment by absorption of sunlight with carbon black, exploding 
the hurricane apart with hydrogen bombs, and blowing the storm 
away from land with giant fans, etc. As carefully reasoned as some 
of these suggestions are, they all share the same shortcoming: They 
fail to appreciate the size and power of tropical cyclones. For 
example, when Hurricane Andrew struck South Florida in 1992, the eye and 
eyewall devastated a swath 20 miles wide. The heat energy released around 
the eye was 5,000 times the combined heat and electrical power 
generation of the Turkey Point nuclear power plant over which 
the eye passed. The kinetic energy of the wind at any instant was 
equivalent to that released by a nuclear warhead. Perhaps if the time 
comes when men and women can travel at nearly the speed of light to 
the stars, we will then have enough energy for brute-force intervention 
in hurricane dynamics. 

Human beings are used to dealing with chemically complex biological 
systems or artificial mechanical systems that embody a small amount 
(by geophysical standards) of high-grade energy. Because hurricanes 
are chemically simple --air and water vapor -- introduction of 
catalysts is unpromising. The energy involved in atmospheric dynamics is 
primarily low-grade heat energy, but the amount of it is immense in terms of 
human experience. 

Attacking weak tropical waves or depressions before they have a chance 
to grow into hurricanes isn't promising either. About 80 of these 
disturbances form every year in the Atlantic basin, but only about 
6 become hurricanes in a typical year. There is no way to tell in advance 
which ones will develop. If the energy released in a tropical disturbance 
were only 10% of that released in a hurricane, it's still a lot of 
power, so that the hurricane police would need to dim the whole world's 
lights many times a year. 

Perhaps some day, somebody will come up with a way to weaken 
hurricanes artificially. It is a beguiling notion. Wouldn't it be wonderful if 
could do it ? 

Perhaps the best solution is not to try to alter or destroy the tropical 
cyclones, but just learn to co-exist better with them. Since we know 
that coastal regions are vulnerable to the storms, building codes that can 
have houses stand up to the force of the tropical cyclones need to be 
enforced. The people that choose to live in these locations should be 
willing to shoulder a fair portion of the costs in terms of property 
insurance - not exorbitant rates, but ones which truly reflect the 
risk of living in a vulnerable region. In addition, efforts to educate 
the public on effective preparedness needs to continue. Helping poorer 
nations in their mitigation efforts can also result in saving 
countless lives. Finally, we need to continue in our efforts to better 
understand and observe hurricanes in order to more accurately predict their 
development, intensification and track. 

Chris Landsea"

I'm not certain that Chris's comments and recommendations apply to developing 
nations like India and Bangladesh where for reasons of commerce and habitation 
the people have no choice but to live in the path of these storms.

Links to articles about hurricane modification from AER's website:

This explains a little further Hoffman's ideas, based on modeling funded by 
NASA and says that the space-based heating would be done using microwaves and 
that the air adjacent to the storm would be heated, causing its path to change. 
 This is different than what was said earlier, so who knows.  

In the course of doing this "research" I also looked into the potential impact 
of stratospheric aerosols on hurricanes.  Since the sea surface temperature 
would be reduced and the transient Pinatubo aerosol cloud apparently had a much 
longer lasting impact on depressing SST than was initially thought, what was 
the result in terms of tropical cyclone development?

Tropical cyclones form in several locations globally, including the N. 
Atlantic, the Northeastern Pacific (affecting Mexico, Calif. and Hawaii 
primarily), the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific (storms that affect the 
Philippines, Taiwan and Japan).  The complete list of locations and annual 
average numbers is shown below:

      Season lengths and seasonal averages[31][34] 
      Basin Season start Season end Tropical Storms
      (>34 knots) Tropical Cyclones
      (>63 knots) Category 3+ TCs
      (>95 knots) 
      Northwest Pacific April January 26.7 16.9 8.5 
      South Indian November April 20.6 10.3 4.3 
      Northeast Pacific May November 16.3 9.0 4.1 
      North Atlantic June November 10.6 5.9 2.0 
      Australia Southwest Pacific November April 9 4.8 1.9 
      North Indian April December 5.4 2.2 0.4 

Note that these are not cumulative, i.e. the total number of storms are the 
tropical storms and the others are subsets of it.

The Atlantic hurricanes seem to follow a multi decadal cycle of 30-50 years and 
the early 90's were near the end of the "down period."  However, that wasn't 
the case elsewhere, so a decrease in activity from August 1991 when the aerosol 
cloud first began to cover a significant area to December 1992 when it was 
beginning to abate would indicate an affect or maybe not.  Here is what the 
numbers show.  I've grouped them by hurricane (or equivalent typhoon or 
cyclone), tropical storm or tropical depression.  In this table, the total is 
the sum of hurricanes and tropical storms.  Note that I've also included 
depressions, but have omitted them from the total as the normals don't include 

Year            Region            Hurricanes        Tropical Storms        
Depressions        Total            Normal Total
1991        N. Atlantic                2                            5           
                     4                      7                    10.6
1992        N. Atlantic                4                            3           
                     3                      7                    10.6
1993        N. Atlantic                4                            4           
                     2                      8                    10.6     
1994        N. Atlantic                3                            4           
                     5                      7                    10.6

1991        NE Pacific                10                         3              
                  2                    13                    16.3
1992        NE Pacific                16                         11             
                 3                    27                    16.3
1993        NE Pacific                11                          4             
                  3                    15                    16.3
1994        NE Pacific                10                        10              
                 2                    20                    16.3

1991        NW Pacific                20                        9               
                 2                    29                     26.7
1992        NW Pacific                21                        11              
                1                    32                     26.7
1993        NW Pacific                20                         7              
                 8                    27                     26.7
1994        NW Pacific                21                        16              
                9                    37                     26.7

1991        N. Indian                    1                            3         
                      0                    4                        5.4
1992        N. Indian                    3                            8         
                      2                    11                      5.4
1993        N. Indian                    2                            0         
                      0                     2                       5.4
1994        N. Indian                    1                            4         
                      0                     5                       5.4

1991        S. Hemisphere          11                         7                 
               0                    18                    29.6
(includes Australia and
S. Indian Ocean)
1992                                            24                         0    
                            0                    24                    29.6
1993                                            24                         0    
                            0                    24                    29.6
1994                                            13                         6    
                            1                    19                    29.6

I didn't see any trend that could be attributed to the aerosol layer, so at 
least for an exponentially decaying cloud, there is no discernible impact.  
More detailed analysis of storm strengths and lifetimes or shorter time periods 
may turn up something, but I doubt it.  1992 was a below normal year in the N. 
Atlantic, above average in the NE, and NW Pacific and N. Indian and below 
normal in the S. Hemisphere basins.  The impact from a continuous aerosol 
program might be different.

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