Geoengineering and Climate Management: From Marginality to Inevitablity

Jay Michaelson

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

December 14, 2010
Tulsa Law Review, Vol. 14, p. 221, Winter 2010

In 1998, when I wrote the first law review article advocating
Geoengineering as a climate change mitigation strategy, Geoengineering was
both unknown and unpopular. Twelve years later, the political economy of
Geoengineering – or as I prefer to call it, Climate Management (CM) – has
shifted, precisely because the conditions I outlined in 1998 have stayed so
strikingly the same. Then, I argued that the lack of political will,
absence, complexity, and sheer expense of climate change mitigation made
meaningful preventive measures, i.e. cutting greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, extremely difficult to undertake. After a decade of obfuscation
and misinformation by powerful political actors, the case seems stronger
than ever.Today, while CM remains at the margins of our popular political
discourse, there has been an explosion of scientific and policy analyses.
Solar Radiation Management (SRM: increasing the concentration of sulfur
dioxide in the upper atmosphere) and Ocean Iron Fertilization (OIF: seeding
gigantic phytoplankton carbon sinks in the oceans by fertilizing them with
iron) have both been explored and advanced by credible scientists,
scholars, and even entrepreneurs. Additionally, CM has been tentatively
explored by conservative think-tanks and pundits – to the horror of
environmentalists.Yet the mere fact that conservatives support
Geoengineering should not, in itself, cause liberals and greens to oppose
it. Supporting CM should give any environmentalist pause, both because of
its riskiness and because so many of our political foes support it. But CM
is a climate change strategy that, unlike regulation, might actually stand
a chance of becoming reality. It is the only approach to climate change
that can act as a compromise between liberals and libertarians, greens and
browns. As climate change becomes ineluctable, geoengineeering becomes

Number of Pages in PDF File: 39

Keywords: climate change, greenhouse effect, geoengineering, Newt Gingrich,
Paul Crutzen, climate management, international law, environmental law

JEL Classification: K32, K33
Accepted Paper Series

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