Possible solutions:
genetically select/modify
reduce CO2 recycling (CROPS, Biochar)
all of the above.

Nature | News
Earth’s carbon sink downsized

Abundance of soil nutrients a limiting factor in plants’ ability to soak up 
carbon dioxide.

  *   Amanda 
01 October 2012

Plants need enriched soil to make use of increasing carbon dioxide.

As carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere continue to climb, most climate 
models project that the world’s oceans and trees will keep soaking up more than 
half of the extra CO2. But researchers report this week that the capacity for 
land plants to absorb more CO2 will be much lower than previously thought, 
owing to limitations in soil 

Because plants take up CO2 during photosynthesis, it has long been assumed that 
they will provide a large carbon ‘sink’ to help offset increases in atmospheric 
CO2 caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Some scientists have argued that the 
increase might even be good for plants, which would presumably grow faster and 
mop up even more CO2. Climate models estimate that the world’s oceans have 
absorbed about 30% of the CO2 that humans have released in the past 150 years 
and that land plants have gulped another 30%.

But the latest study, by ecologists Peter Reich and Sarah Hobbie at the 
University of Minnesota in St Paul, suggests that estimates of how much CO2 
land plants can use are far too optimistic. Plants also need soil nutrients, 
such as nitrogen and phosphorus, to grow. But few studies have tested whether 
soils contain enough of these nutrients to fuel growth in proportion to rising 

“This work addresses a question that’s been out there for decades,” says Bruce 
Hungate, an ecosystem scientist at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. 
"It's a hard question to answer, because it takes a long time to see how 
ecosystem carbon and nitrogen cycles change."

Long-term growth

In a 13-year field experiment on 296 open-air plots, the researchers grew 
perennial grassland species under ambient and elevated concentrations of both 
atmospheric CO2 and soil nitrogen.

“Rather than building a time machine and comparing how ecosystems behave in 
2070 — which is hard to do — we basically create the atmosphere of 2070 above 
our plots,” says Reich.

Reich and Hobbie found that from 2001 to 2010, grasses growing under heightened 
CO2 levels grew only half as much in untreated as in enriched nitrogen soils.

Researchers do not have a firm grasp on the complexities of nitrogen and carbon 
cycle interactions, so “the vast majority of models do not adequately reflect 
nutrient limitation”, says Adrien Finzi, a biogeochemist at Boston University 
in Massachusetts. “The real strength in this study is that now we have this 
13-year record of a single ecosystem. It provides a really strong case for the 
claim that soil resources and nitrogen limitation in particular can impose a 
major constraint on carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems.”

A study published in March modelled nutrient cycling across the globe to 
predict how much carbon plants could sequester over the next 100 years when 
nutrient limitations are taken into 
 Those simulations, which included nitrogen limitations in northern hemisphere 
soils and phosphorus limitations in the tropics, predicted that land plants 
will absorb 23% less carbon than is projected by other models.

Researchers say that much more work is needed to understand how nutrient 
dynamics will affect carbon uptake — particularly in forest ecosystems, which 
are expected to be important carbon sinks. Often, says Hungate, these 
ecosystems seem to offer a “partial, natural, easy solution” to the climate 
problem. “But it turns out that in reality, ecosystems are complex and only 
have limited flexibility.”

1.     Reich, P. B. & Hobbie, S. E. Nature Climate Change advance online 
publication, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nclimate1694 (2012).
Show context

2.     Goll, D. S. et al. Biogeosciences 9, 3547–3569 (2012).

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