Hello Eugene & Andrew,

In connection with localization, have you considered Marine Cloud 
Brightening (MCB)? Although this idea has largely been developed with 
global influence in mind, it could also address much more localised issues.
If MCB is found to be efficacious it could possibly weaken the strength 
of hurricanes (and the associated damage) by cooling the surface waters 
in regions where hurricanes spawn.We have just published a paper on 
this topic:-

John Latham, Ben Parkes, Alan Gadian,Stephen Salter, 2012. 
Weakening of Hurricanes via Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB), 
Atmospheric Science Letters, DOI: 10.1002/asl.402

We are also about to submit for publication a paper on the possible
conservation of coral reefs via MCB. (again, by cooling 
oceanic waters, in this case in the regions of coral reefs. Our
first results [as with the hurricane idea] are encouraging.

Another possibility - by MCB seeding on a substantially sub-global
scale, is polar ice-cover conservation.

Comments welcomed

Best Wishes,    John        lat...@ucar.edu

PS If the micro-bubbles technique proposed by Russell Seitz was 
found to viable, it also could be applied to these more localised

John Latham
Address: P.O. Box 3000,MMM,NCAR,Boulder,CO 80307-3000
Email: lat...@ucar.edu  or john.latha...@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: (US-Work) 303-497-8182 or (US-Home) 303-444-2429
 or   (US-Cell)   303-882-0724  or (UK) 01928-730-002
From: geoengineering@googlegroups.com [geoengineering@googlegroups.com] on 
behalf of euggor...@comcast.net [euggor...@comcast.net]
Sent: 26 October 2012 00:43
To: andrew lockley
Cc: geoengineering
Subject: Re: [geo] Geoengineering Could Be Essential to Reducing the Risk of 
Climate Change | MIT Technology Review

One of the problems with sulfate engineering is that it can't be easily 
localized, if at all. On the other hand warming should be combatted locally if 
it is to be accepted by all countries. Some would use it, some would not or use 
to variable extent. Why is this so hard for people to grasp? Space umbrellas is 
another unlikely candidate for the same reason.  It would be interesting to 
hear views on this. If there is a consensus it would provide some guidance.
From: "Andrew Lockley" <andrew.lock...@gmail.com>
To: "geoengineering" <geoengineering@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 5:13:05 PM
Subject: [geo] Geoengineering Could Be Essential to Reducing the Risk of 
Climate Change | MIT Technology Review



MIT Technology Review


Geoengineering Could Be Essential to Reducing the Risk of Climate Change

Using technology to cool the planet may be the only way to deal with the 
greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere, argues scientist David Keith.

By Kevin Bullis on October 25, 2012

Why It Matters

The limited reductions in carbon emissions that are likely over the next 
several decades will do little to offset climate change. Counteracting 
greenhouse gases directly is one possible alternative.David Keith spoke at MIT 
Technology Review’s EmTech conference this week.Geoengineering—using technology 
to purposefully change the climate—is the only option for reducing the risk of 
climate change from greenhouse-gas emissions in the next few decades, says 
David Keith, a professor of public policy and applied physics at Harvard 
University. And he says that if it’s done in moderation, it could be much safer 
than some experts have argued. In fact, says Keith, effective methods of 
geoengineering are so cheap and easy that just about any country could do 
it—for better or worse.Keith, speaking this week at MIT Technology Review’s 
annual EmTech conference, says it is already too late to avoid climate changes 
by reducing carbon emissions alone. The carbon dioxide that’s been released 
into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels is already likely to cause 
significant harm, such as raising temperatures enough to hurt crop yields in 
many places. “If you want to, say, really stop the loss of Arctic sea ice or 
stop heat-stress crop losses over the next few decades, geoengineering is 
pretty much the only thing you can do,” he says (see “Why Climate Scientists 
Support Geoengineering Research”).Keith’s preferred method of geoengineering is 
to shade the earth by injecting sulfate particles into the upper atmosphere, 
imitating a similar process that happens with large volcanic eruptions, which 
are known to temporarily cool the planet. The technique could be effective even 
if far less sulfate were injected than is currently emitted by fossil-fuel 
power plants. A million tons per year injected into the stratosphere would be 
enough—whereas 50 million tons are injected into the lower part of the 
atmosphere by coal plants, he says. (In the lower atmosphere, the sulfates are 
less effective at cooling because they stay airborne for shorter periods.)One 
of the main objections to geoengineering is that the measures that might be 
taken to cool the planet won’t exactly offset the effects of carbon dioxide, so 
they could actually make things much worse—for example, by altering patterns of 
precipitation. Keith says recent climate models suggest that injecting sulfate 
particles into the upper reaches of the atmosphere might not affect 
precipitation nearly as much as others have warned.“I propose that you start in 
about 2020, and you start very, very gradually increasing your amount of 
sulfate engineering so that you cut about in half the rate of warming,” he 
says. “Not eliminate it, but cut it about in half. Cutting it in half is a big 
benefit.”One of the benefits could be increased crop production. Though some 
critics have worried that geoengineering would alter monsoon patterns that are 
key to agriculture in India, Keith says moderate geoengineering could actually 
boost crop productivity there by 20 percent, in part by reducing 
temperatures.Keith and some of his colleagues recently hired engineers to 
estimate how much one approach to sulfate injection might work, and how much it 
might cost. It could be done at first with existing airplanes—certain business 
jets can fly high enough to inject the particles into the upper atmosphere. 
Eventually we would need new planes that can fly higher. All in all, once the 
procedure is scaled up it would cost about a billion dollars a year and require 
about 100 aircraft. That’s cheap enough for most countries to pull off on their 
own.The fact that it’s easy isn’t necessarily a good thing, Keith says. There’s 
the potential that if one country does it, another might blame that 
country—rightly or wrongly—for ensuing bad weather (see “The Geoengineering 
Gambit”).And there are also real concerns about the impact sulfates might have 
on the atmosphere (see Geoengineering May Be Necessary, Despite Its Perils). 
It’s known that sulfates can be involved in reactions that deplete the ozone 
layer. As the earth warms, water vapor levels are increasing, which could 
exacerbate the problem. Keith is proposing a test to discover quantitatively 
just what the effect of the injections could be. He would introduce small 
clouds of sulfate and water vapor into the stratosphere using balloons, and 
then carefully measure the reactions that take place.And Keith acknowledges a 
concern many have had about geoengineering: that using it to offset problems 
from climate change will reduce the incentive to tackle the greenhouse-gas 
emissions at the root of the problem. Even if geoengineering is employed, 
reducing emissions will still be important. Sulfate injection does nothing to 
address the ocean acidification associated with increased levels of carbon 
dioxide in the atmosphere. And if emissions continue to grow, ever-increasing 
amounts of sulfate will be needed.But Keith thinks the potential benefits might 
be worth the dangers. “We don’t know enough yet to start,” he says. “But the 
current balance of evidence is that doing this really would reduce risks. And 
for that reason, we’ve got to take it seriously. It really would be reckless 
not to look at something that could reduce risk like this could.”

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